Prayer times

During the week:
Mornings 6:25am
Lauds and Mass 7:45am
Friday 1:15 p.m
Evenings 18:45h
Complete 9:15 p.m

Sundays and holidays:
Mornings 6:25am
Lauds and Mass 8:00am
Friday 1:15 p.m
Evenings 19:00h

We invite you, visitor, whoever you are, to pray with us for peace and goodness throughout the world.

May you find peace within your heart and may peace grant you the gift of love.

May you be a happy and grateful person by loving.
May you, happy and grateful, be generous, and may you, being generous and doing good, find peace in your heart.

Pregar en comunitat té una força especial

Prayer requests

You can send us your personal prayers at this email address. We will have them present on Sundays during Vespers.

Asking God when we feel lacking, limited, to face tough situations with no apparent solution, is a very frequent and widespread resource among believers. Jesus, however, does not stop insisting, time and time again, that if we pray to the Father with faith, that if we present our requests to him with confidence, He will hear us.

The prayer of petition is a humble, simple and heartfelt expression of a deeper reality to the Lord. People, affairs, realities, shortcomings… it’s basically a silent and believing way of loving. God loves us to love each other. In addition, he knows that precisely love is the best benefit for our people.

New vocations

This section can help you hear even more the voice of God and discern if you feel called to live in the monastic community of Sant Benet de Montserrat.

Sometimes you have to take that “leap of faith” to explore things further.

〉Vocational space

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